微软给出了多个令人信服的理由说服用户升级到Windows 8.1,但玩家在点击Windows商店下载链接时需要三思,因为目前已知Windows 8.1存在一个bug会导致玩家的鼠标在游戏中工作不正常。微软已经证实该问题,表示正积极调查和开发补丁。微软的一位雇员表示,这个问题恐怕很难用补丁修复,因为不同的应用程序需要单独修正。问题的根源在于Windows 8.1在检测到高DPI显示屏时会自动放大菜单和文本,但如果应用程序不是DPI Aware,而操作系统却放大了它请求的窗口,混乱就会出现。解决方法实际上很简单,关闭自动放大,在分辨率设置中选择“小”。

MS employee here, posting as AC for obvious reasons...
The problem comes from Windows 8.1 detecting high DPI displays and automatically making the menus and text larger, since things looked very tiny in computers with small displays that had very high resolution. The problem is that a given application that is not DPI-aware requests a window of WxH to draw on, and then the window gets enlarged by the OS; the result is a blurry, unusable mess. But the bad news don't end there! Because of the OS messing with the window given to the app, the mouse coordinates get all messed up and produce the problem described in TFA. Unfortunately, there was no easy solution to this problem and I don't know what this "promised fix" might do since a change in each of the affected applications might be necessary. The good news is that the solution for the user is pretty simple, go into the resolution settings and set everything back to "small".